
ニュース 2015/09/10

外国人観光客向けチケットステーション「Tickets Today」にて、引換券販売決定!!

ミュージカル「美少女戦士セーラームーン」-Un Nouveau Voyage-の公演チケット引換券を外国人観光客向けチケットステーション「Tickets Today(チケッツ トゥデイ)」にて販売することが決定いたしました!残席がある公演に限り、渋谷・銀座の2店舗にて、枚数限定でお取り扱いします。

※ミュージカル「美少女戦士セーラームーン」-Un Nouveau Voyage-のチケットは定価のみのお取り扱いとなります。

【ちけっとぽーと渋谷店】-Tickets Today SHIBUYA-
東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-29-1 渋谷109 2F

【ちけっとぽーと銀座店】-Tickets Today GINZA-
東京都中央区銀座5-1先 銀座ファイブ1F

詳細は「Tickets Today」店舗、または下記にお問い合わせください。

ロングランプランニング株式会社 TicketsToday担当
WEB: http://ticketstoday.jp
E-mail: [email protected]
電話:03-6228-1062(10:00am-18:00pm 土日祝休み)


Ticket Vouchers for Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical Available During Your Visit to Tokyo
The Sailor Moon musical vouchers will be sold exclusively
at Tickets Today in Shibuya and Ginza.

Performance information
Dates:Friday, September 18-Sunday, September 27
Venue:AiiA 2.5 Theater Tokyo (Shibuya)

Vouchers will be sold at Tickets Today starting at 10:00 a.m. two days before each performance date. For example, if there are still general admission seats left for shows on a Wednesday, vouchers will go on sale at 10:00 a.m. the preceding Monday.

Price: \7,500 per "S" ticket voucher。
-Major credit cards are accepted.
-Customers are required to exchange their vouchers for tickets at the theater as instructed.
-Each voucher is only available for a specific performance. Vouchers are non-refundable and no exchanges may be made.
-Customers will be given the best seats available on the date of the performance.
-Vouchers will be sold only at the Tickets Today ticketing counters in Shibuya and Ginza. There will be no online sales.
-To inquire about Tickets Today and vouchers for Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Musical, please visit the website: http://ticketstoday.jp/ or call +81-(0)3-6228-1062 (10:00 a.m.-6:00p.m. weekdays only).
-For information about the show and general ticketing information in English, please see: http://www.j25musical.jp/contents/musical/51/

Twitter 30周年公式@sailormoon_30th

Twitter 原作担当:おさぶ@osabu8